This document specifies the steps of the overall process of pipeline rehabilitation, comprising: — information on strategic and tactical activities: a) investigation and condition assessment of the existing pipeline; b) pipeline rehabilitation planning. — information on and requirements for operational activities: c) project specification; d) applications of techniques; e) documentation of the design and application process. Definitions and classification of families of renovation and trenchless replacement techniques are provided, and their respective features described. Areas of application covered include underground drainage and sewerage networks and underground water and gas supply networks. The following aspects are not covered by the scope of this document: — new construction provided as network extensions; — calculation methods to determine, for each viable technique, the characteristics of lining or replacement pipe material needed to secure the desired performance of the rehabilitated pipeline; — techniques providing non-structural pressure pipe liners; — techniques for local repair. It is the responsibility of the designer to choose and design the renovation or trenchless replacement pipeline system.
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État actuel: Projet
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Stade: Mise au vote du DIS: 12 semaines [40.20] -
Edition: 4
Comité technique :ISO/TC 138/SC 8ICS :23.040.20
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PubliéeISO 11295:2022