Develop an ISO/IEC IS or directive for Model-Based Standards (MBS) Authoring (MBSA), which specifies how to create a new IS or evolve an exiting IS, such that rather than being based on free text, it shall be based on an ISO 19450 OPM model. The new IS will itself be prepared based on the specification it contains, thus it will be the first MBSA IS and will serve both as a specification and an example of how to create the new generation of model-based ISO ISs.
Informations générales
État actuel: Projet
Vous pouvez contribuer à l’élaboration de ce projet de Norme internationale en contactant le membre national
Stade: Mise au vote du DIS: 12 semaines [40.20] -
Edition: 1
Comité technique :ISO/TC 184/SC 5ICS :01.120
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