Manifestation en marge de la COP27 organisée par Oxford Net Zero.
Lieu : Pavillon de la Global Alliance of Universities on Climate, zone bleue
Orateurs :
- Kaya Axelsson, Policy Engagement Fellow, and Alexis McGivern, Net Zero Standards Manager, Oxford Net Zero: Findings from research of the voluntary initiatives and standards landscape
- Dr Luiz Fernando Do Amaral, CEO of SBTi: An overview of the SBTi development process and lessons learned after one year of SBTi’s Corporate Net Zero Standard
- Emily Faint, Net Zero Policy Manager, BSI and Our 2050 World: Key findings from the ISO Net Zero Guidelines process and how to position collaboration between initiatives
- Dr Kennedy Mbeva, technical author, ISO Net Zero Guidelines: The work on the guidelines in the context of challenges and opportunities for emerging economies
- Dr Jessica Omukuti, member of the High-Level Expert Group on Net-Zero Emissions Commitments of Non-State Entities: A summary of the HLEG recommendations and key challenges ahead
Cette manifestation sera également retransmise en ligne en direct (Webinar ID: 835 5647 7303 Passcode: 668045).