Toys are the treasures of childhood. But if you’re not careful, toys can be hazardous, too. Knowing what dangers are linked with certain toys and age groups can help parents better protect their children from injuries. Here, we look at how ISO/TR 8124-8 aims to design age-appropriate toys with the highest level of safety in mind.
A time for trust
With trust, businesses and consumers embark on a lifelong journey towards solutions that will meet their mutual expectations – productivity, performance and quality of life.
In this issue, you’ll learn about how standards help bridge this relationship, instilling confidence on both sides. So what are some of the issues affected by trust? How can ISO standards help? And which changes/improvements are poised to make the biggest impact? In a comprehensive selection of articles, we spoke to a number of experts to get their input on a handful of subjects.
Julio/Agosto 2016
A time for trust
With trust, businesses and consumers embark on a lifelong journey towards solutions that will meet their mutual expectations. Learn about how standards help bridge this relationship.
What to expect when buying second-hand goods
How can we be sure that the second-hand kettle we buy won’t blow up in our face? Purchasing used products can bring its share of bad surprises, but ISO/TS 20245 helps make sure those hand-me-down treasures are not a swizz.
Getting a “really good deal” can cause us to miss the warning signals.
Rae Dulmage, Chair of ISO/PC 245
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Published in English, French and Spanish six times per year, ISOfocus is your gateway to International Standards. Whether a multinational enterprise faced with major decisions or a small business looking for ideas, ISOfocus seeks to provide both the kind of overviews that strategic planners need and the little details that can make a big difference.
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