This document specifies general requirements and recommendations for the design and assessment of bottom-founded (fixed) and buoyant (floating) offshore structures.
This document is applicable for all phases of the life of the structure, including:
— successive stages of construction (i.e. fabrication, transportation, and installation),
— service in-place, both during design life and during any life extensions, and
— decommissioning, and removal.
This document contains general requirements and recommendations for both the design of new build structures and for the structural integrity management and assessment of existing structures.
This document does not apply to subsea and riser systems or pipeline systems.
Informaciones generales
Estado: En desarrolloEtapa: CD aprobado para su registro como DIS [30.99]
Edición: 4
Comité Técnico :ISO/TC 67/SC 7
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PublicadoISO 19900:2019