This document:
— provides method(s) for identifying, in Open-edi modelling technologies and development of scenarios, the additional requirements in business operational view (BOV) specifications for identifying the additional external constraints to be applied to recorded information in business transactions relating to personal information of an individual, as required by legal and regulatory requirements of applicable jurisdictional domains;
— integrates existing normative elements in support of privacy and data protection requirements as are already identified in ISO/IEC 14662 and ISO/IEC 15944-1, ISO/IEC 15944-2, ISO/IEC 15944-4, ISO/IEC 15944-5, ISO/IEC 15944-8, ISO/IEC 15944-9, and ISO/IEC 15944-10;
— provides overarching, operational ?best practice' statements for associated (and not necessarily automated) processes, procedures, practices and governance requirements that act in support of implementing and enforcing technical mechanisms which support the privacy/data protection requirements necessary for implementation in Open-edi transaction environments;
— focuses on the life cycle management of personal information i.e., the contents of SPIs (and their SRIs) related to the business transaction interchanged via EDI as information bundles and their associated semantic components among the parties to a business transaction.
NOTE Privacy protection requirements (PPR) on information life cycle management (ILCM) and EDI of personal information as stated in this document serve as a minimum set of ILCM policy and operational requirements for all recorded information pertaining to a business transaction in particular, as well as ILCM implementation in any organization in general.
This document does not specify the technical mechanisms, i.e., functional support services (FSV) which are required to support BOV-identified requirements. Detailed exclusions to the scope of this document are provided in Annex H.
Informaciones generales
Estado: PublicadoFecha de publicación: 2020-05Etapa: Norma Internacional para revisar [90.92]
Edición: 1Número de páginas: 136
Comité Técnico :ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32ICS :35.240.63
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En desarrolloISO/IEC FDIS 15944-12