Las prácticas de codificación normalizadas garantizan la calidad, mantenibilidad y seguridad del software, lo que permite a los desarrolladores crear aplicaciones robustas y fiables.


A symbolic representation of different topics related to cryptography
¿Qué es la criptografía?
La criptografía es una gran herramienta de seguridad informática que se ocupa de las técnicas para almacenar y transmitir información impidiendo el acceso o la interferencia no autorizados.
contactless payment for underground ticket via smart phone

QR codes for smarter transport

New standard just published for faster, more secure processing.

Teenage girl wearing Google Glasses, on Times Square.

Por Kath Lockett el

Embracing the power of technology

Just how worried should we be about killer robots? Amidst all the talk about how artificial intelligence (AI) is threatening society, some experts believe AI shouldn’t be feared. Here’s why we can embrace the power of technology.

Normas esenciales

Information technology — Database languages SQL
Part 1: Framework (SQL/Framework)

Information technology — Dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP (DASH)
Part 1: Media presentation description and segment formats

Information technology — Metadata registries (MDR)
Part 1: Framework

Information technology — Universal coded character set (UCS)

Information technology — MPEG audio technologies
Part 4: Dynamic range control

Information technology — High efficiency coding and media delivery in heterogeneous environments
Part 2: High efficiency video coding