International Standard
ISO/DIS 22133
Road vehicles — Test object monitoring and control for active safety and automated/autonomous vehicle testing — Functional requirements, specifications and communication protocol
Reference number
ISO/DIS 22133
Edition 1
Draft International Standard
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ISO/DIS 22133
This Draft International Standard is in the enquiry phase with ISO members.
Will replace ISO/TS 22133:2023

ISO/DIS 22133

ISO/DIS 22133
CHF 132
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This document specifies requirements, procedures and message formats for controlling and monitoring of test targets, used for testing of active safety functions and autonomous vehicles.

The document specifies functionality and messaging for monitoring and controlling of test objects by a control centre facilitating an interoperable test object environment. This document defines a communication protocol which allows for the control centre to safely execute tests using test objects from multiple vendors.

This document does not specify the internal architecture of the test object nor control centre.

This document does not specify how testing of the vehicles shall be performed.

General information

  •  : Under development

    You can help develop this draft international standard by contacting your national member

    : DIS ballot initiated: 12 weeks [40.20]
  •  : 1
     : 118
  • ISO/TC 22/SC 33
  • RSS updates

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