International Standard
ISO/DIS 18646-5
Robotics — Performance criteria and related test methods for service robots — Part 5: Locomotion for legged robots
Reference number
ISO/DIS 18646-5
Edition 1
Draft International Standard
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ISO/DIS 18646-5
This Draft International Standard is in the enquiry phase with ISO members.

ISO/DIS 18646-5

ISO/DIS 18646-5
CHF 65
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This document describes methods for specifying and evaluating the locomotion performance of legged robots as service robot. This document mainly applies to biped, quadruped and multi-legged robots. For the test or performance evaluation of the legged robot of a certain type, this document does not specify which performance to choose. The tests listed in this document are mainly used to evaluate complete machine, and can be also used for sample test, qualification test or check-and-accept test. This document is not intended for the verification or validation of safety requirements.

General information

  •  : Under development

    You can help develop this draft international standard by contacting your national member

    : DIS ballot initiated: 12 weeks [40.20]
  •  : 1
     : 26
  • ISO/TC 299
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