Утвержденный рабочий проект
ISO/AWI 26203-3
Metallic materials — Tensile testing at high strain rates — Part 3: Test method at elevated temperature
Ссылочный номер
ISO/AWI 26203-3
Версия 1
Утвержденный рабочий проект
ISO/AWI 26203-3
Проект данного международного стандарта был подготовлен рабочей группой.


This proposal specifies terms, definitions, symbols, principles, apparatus, specimen, test procedure, data processing, result evaluation, report and other content for the high strain rates tensile test at elevated temperature for metallic materials by using split Hopkinson tensile bar. This proposal is applicable to the determination of mechanical properties of metallic materials at elevated temperature within the strain rate of 102s-1 ~ 103s-1, which are applied for the study of impact-related problems, such as analysis of vehicle collision safety based on numerical simulation in automotive industry, numerical predictive assessment of aircraft impact in aviation industry, etc.

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