Рабочий проект
ISO/IEC WD 19989-1.2
Information security — Criteria and methodology for security evaluation of biometric systems — Part 1: Framework
Ссылочный номер
ISO/IEC WD 19989-1.2
Версия 2
Рабочий проект
ISO/IEC WD 19989-1.2
Проект данного международного стандарта был подготовлен рабочей группой.
Текущее издание: ISO/IEC 19989-1:2020


For security evaluation of biometric recognition performance and presentation attack detection for biometric verification systems and biometric identification systemsthis document specifies:

— extended security functional components to SFR Classes in ISO/IEC 15408-2;

— supplementary activities to methodology specified in ISO/IEC 18045 for SAR Classes of ISO/IEC 15408-3.

This document introduces the general framework for the security evaluation of biometric systems, including extended security functional components, and supplementary activities to methodology, which is additional evaluation activities and guidance/recommendations for an evaluator to handle those activities. The supplementary evaluation activities are developed in this document while the detailed recommendations are developed in ISO/IEC 19989-2 (for biometric recognition aspects) and in ISO/IEC 19989-3 (for presentation attack detection aspects). This document is applicable only to TOEs for single biometric characteristic type. However, the selection of a characteristic from multiple characteristics in SFRs is allowed.

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