This document provides packages of security assurance and security functional requirements that have been identified as useful in support of common usage by stakeholders.
EXAMPLE Examples of provided packages include the evaluation assurance levels (EAL) and the composed assurance packages (CAPs).
This document presents:
— evaluation assurance level (EAL) family of packages that specify pre-defined sets of security assurance components that may be referenced in PPs and STs and which specify appropriate security assurances to be provided during an evaluation of a target of evaluation (TOE);
— composition assurance (CAP) family of packages that specify sets of security assurance components used for specifying appropriate security assurances to be provided during an evaluation of composed TOEs;
— composite product (COMP) package that specifies a set of security assurance components used for specifying appropriate security assurances to be provided during an evaluation of a composite product TOEs;
— protection profile assurance (PPA) family of packages that specify sets of security assurance components used for specifying appropriate security assurances to be provided during a protection profile evaluation;
— security target assurance (STA) family of packages that specify sets of security assurance components used for specifying appropriate security assurances to be provided during a security target evaluation.
The users of this document can include consumers, developers, and evaluators of secure IT products.
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Текущий статус: ОпубликованоДата публикации: 2022-08Этап: Международный стандарт подлежит пересмотру [90.92]
Версия: 1
Технический комитет :ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27ICS :35.030
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ISO/IEC DIS 15408-5
ISO/IEC DIS 15408-5
Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection — Evaluation criteria for IT security
Part 5: Pre-defined packages of security requirements
ISO/IEC DIS 15408-5
Жизненный цикл
ОпубликованоISO/IEC 15408-5:2022
Стандарт, который пересматривается каждые 5 лет
Этап: 90.92 (Будет пересмотрено)-
Предварительная стадия
Стадия, связанная с внесением предложения
Подготовительная стадия
Стадия, связанная с подготовкой проекта комитета
Стадия, связанная с рассмотрением проекта международного стандарта
Стадия, на которой осуществляется принятие стандарта
Стадия, на которой осуществляется публикация
Стадия пересмотра
Стадия, на которой осуществляется отмена стандарта
Будет заменено
В стадии разработкиISO/IEC DIS 15408-5