This document specifies the conditions for the determination of hoop tensile properties of ceramic matrix composite (CMC) tubes with continuous fibre-reinforcement at ambient temperature in air atmospheric pressure. This document is specific to the tubular geometries since fibre architecture and specimen geometry factors in composite tubes are distinctly different from those in flat specimens.
This document provides information on the hoop tensile properties and stress-strain response, such as hoop tensile strength, hoop tensile strain at failure and elastic constants. The information can be used for material development, control of manufacturing (quality insurance), material comparison, characterization, reliability and design data generation for tubular components.
This document addresses, but is not restricted to, various suggested test piece fabrication methods. It applies primarily to ceramic and/or glass matrix composite tubes with a continuous fibrous-reinforcement: unidirectional (1D filament winding and tape lay-up), bi-directional (2D braid and weave) and tri-directional (xD, with 2 < x < 3), subjected to an internal pressure.
Values expressed in this document are in accordance with the International System of Units (SI).
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Текущий статус: ОпубликованоДата публикации: 2019-12Этап: Рассылка краткого отчета о пересмотре [90.60]
Версия: 1
Технический комитет :ISO/TC 206ICS :81.060.30
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