Food and agriculture standards cover everything from machinery and production to packaging, testing and traceability.

Ценная информация

Bioenergy: Transforming organic matter into energy

Bioenergy isn’t just powering our homes, but empowering our communities, fuelling innovation, and energizing our path to a sustainable future. The waste-to-energy revolution is here – and it’s time for you to be a part of it.

Создавая устойчивый путь к отчетности в области ESG

Стремление к более устойчивому будущему привело к тому, что вопросы ESG - в развернутом варианте - экологии, социальной сферы и управления - занимают центральное место на заседаниях советов директоров компаний по всему миру.

Embracing nature: Climate change solutions for a healthy future

Climate change is already being felt around the world in a variety of ways. Nature-based solutions are an important piece of the puzzle for reversing the process. 

Наиболее популярные стандарты

Wheat, rye and their flours, durum wheat and durum wheat semolina — Determination of the falling number according to Hagberg-Perten

Milk — Determination of the lactoperoxidase activity — Photometric method (Reference method)

Milk and dried milk — Determination of iodide content — Method using high-performance liquid chromatography

Dried skimmed milk — Determination of vitamin A content
Part 2: Method using high-performance liquid chromatography

Dried skimmed milk — Determination of vitamin A content
Part 1: Colorimetric method

Milk and milk products — Determination of fat content — General guidance on the use of butyrometric methods