Стандарты по ISO/TC 83/SC 4
Snowsports equipment
Фильтр :
Стандарт и/или проект находящийся в компетенции ISO/TC 83/SC 4 Секретариата(1) | Этап | ICS |
Alpine skis — Binding mounting area
95.99 | |
Ski boots for adults — Interfaces for ski bindings for downhill skiing
95.99 | |
Alpine ski-boots — Safety requirements and test methods
95.99 | |
Alpine ski-boots — Safety requirements and test methods
95.99 | |
Alpine ski-boots — Requirements and test methods
95.99 | |
Alpine ski-boots — Requirements and test methods — Technical Corrigendum 1
95.99 | |
Alpine ski-boots — Requirements and test methods
90.60 | |
Alpine skis — Geometry — Terms, definitions and measuring conditions
95.99 | |
Alpine skis — Determination of the elastic properties
95.99 | |
Alpine skis — Determination of elastic properties
90.93 | |
Ski boots for children — Interfaces for ski bindings for downhill skiing
95.99 | |
Alpine skis — Determination of mass and moment of inertia
95.99 | |
Alpine skis — Determination of mass and polar moment of inertia — Laboratory measurement method
95.99 | |
Alpine skis — Determination of mass and polar moment of inertia — Laboratory measurement method
90.60 | |
Alpine skis — Ski binding screws — Requirements
95.99 | |
Alpine skis — Ski binding screws — Requirements
90.93 | |
Alpine skis — Ski binding screws — Test methods
95.99 | |
Alpine skis — Ski binding screws — Test methods
95.99 | |
Alpine skis — Ski binding screws — Test methods
90.93 | |
Alpine skis — Binding mounting area — Strength requirements and test method
95.99 | |
Alpine skis — Determination of deformation load and breaking load
95.99 | |
Alpine skis — Determination of deformation load and breaking load
95.99 | |
Alpine skis — Determination of deformation load and breaking load
90.93 | |
Alpine skis — Determination of fatigue indexes — Cyclic loading test
95.99 | |
Alpine skis — Determination of fatigue indexes — Cyclic loading test
90.93 | |
Alpine skis — Measurement of bending vibrations
90.93 | |
Alpine skis — Binding mounting area for children and junior skis — Dimensions and requirements
95.99 | |
Alpine skis — Binding mounting area for children and junior skis — Strength requirements and test method
95.99 | |
Skis — Terms and definitions
95.99 | |
Skis — Terms and definitions — Amendment 1
95.99 | |
Skis — Terms and definitions — Amendment 2
95.99 | |
Skis — Vocabulary
95.99 | |
Skis — Vocabulary — Technical Corrigendum 1
95.99 | |
Skis — Vocabulary
60.60 | |
Cross-country ski boots with three pin holes — Dimensions, interface and design
95.99 | |
Cross-country ski bindings with three pins — Dimensions, interface and design
95.99 | |
Cross-country skis — Determination of mass and location of balance point
95.99 | |
Cross-country skis — Determination of mass and location of balance point
90.93 | |
Cross-country skis — Determination of elastic properties
95.99 | |
Cross-country skis — Determination of elastic properties
90.93 | |
Cross-country skis — Determination of dynamic performance — Laboratory measurement method
90.93 | |
Cross-country skis — Dimensions of the binding mounting area for toe clip bindings
95.99 | |
Cross-country skis — Binding mounting area — Static screw retention strength — Requirements and test method
95.99 | |
Ski-poles for alpine skiing — Safety requirements and test methods
95.99 | |
Ski-poles for alpine skiing — Safety requirements and test methods
95.99 | |
Ski-poles for alpine skiing — Requirements and test methods
95.99 | |
Ski-poles for alpine skiing — Requirements and test methods
95.99 | |
Ski-poles for alpine and touring skiing — Requirements and test methods
60.60 | |
Cross-country skis — Binding mounting area — Stripping torque — Requirements and test method
95.99 | |
Cross-country skis — Ski binding screws — Requirements
95.99 | |
Cross-country skis — Ski binding screws — Requirements
95.99 | |
Cross-country skis — Ski-binding screws — Requirements
90.93 | |
Cross-country skis — Ski binding screws — Test methods
95.99 | |
Cross-country skis — Ski-binding screws — Test methods
95.99 | |
Cross-country skis — Ski-binding screws — Test methods
90.60 | |
Skis — Geometry — Measuring conditions
90.93 | |
Cross-country skis — Determination of breaking load and deflection at break with quasistatic load
90.60 | |
Cross-country skis — Determination of fatigue indexes — Cyclic loading test
95.99 | |
Cross-country skis — Determination of fatigue indexes — Cyclic loading test
90.93 | |
Alpine skis — Ski bindings — Methods for the selection of release torque values
95.99 | |
Alpine ski-bindings — Selection of release torque values
95.99 | |
Alpine ski-bindings — Selection of release torque values
95.99 | |
Alpine ski-bindings — Selection of release torque values — Amendment 1
95.99 | |
Alpine ski-bindings — Selection of release torque values
95.99 | |
Alpine ski-bindings — Selection of release torques values
90.93 | |
Alpine skis and bindings — Binding mounting area — Requirements and test methods
95.99 | |
Alpine skis and bindings — Binding mounting area — Requirements and test methods
95.99 | |
Alpine skis and bindings — Binding mounting area — Requirements and test methods
95.99 | |
Alpine skis and bindings — Binding mounting area — Requirements and test methods
95.99 | |
Alpine skis and bindings — Binding mounting area — Requirements and test methods
90.93 | |
Ski bindings — Vocabulary
90.93 | |
Alpine skis — Guidelines for conducting slope performance tests
95.99 | |
Alpine skis — Guidelines for conducting slope performance tests
95.99 | |
Alpine skis — Guidelines for conducting slope performance tests
90.93 | |
Cross-country skis — Binding mounting area — Requirements and test methods
90.93 | |
Alpine ski-bindings — Safety requirements and test methods
95.99 | |
Alpine ski-bindings — Safety requirements and test methods
95.99 | |
Alpine ski-bindings — Safety requirements and test methods — Amendment 1
95.99 | |
Alpine ski-bindings — Safety requirements and test methods — Technical Corrigendum 1
95.99 | |
Alpine ski-bindings — Requirements and test methods
95.99 | |
Alpine ski-bindings — Requirements and test methods — Amendment 1
95.99 | |
Alpine ski-bindings — Requirements and test methods
95.99 | |
Alpine ski-bindings — Requirements and test methods
60.60 | |
Alpine ski-bindings — Lateral release under impact loading — Test method
95.99 | |
Alpine ski-bindings — Lateral release under impact loading — Test method
90.93 | |
Touring ski-boots for adults — Interface with ski-binding
95.99 | |
Touring ski-boots for adults — Interface with touring ski-bindings — Requirements and test methods
95.99 | |
Touring ski-boots for adults — Interface with touring ski-bindings — Requirements and test methods
95.99 | |
Touring ski-boots for adults — Interface with touring ski-bindings — Requirements and test methods
95.99 | |
Touring ski-boots for adults — Interface with touring ski-bindings — Requirements and test methods
60.60 | |
Alpine ski-bindings — Test soles for ski-binding tests
95.99 | |
Alpine and touring ski-bindings — Test soles for ski-binding tests
95.99 | |
Alpine and touring ski-bindings — Test soles for ski-binding tests
95.99 | |
Alpine and touring ski-bindings — Test soles for ski-binding tests
95.99 | |
Alpine and touring ski-bindings — Test soles for ski-binding tests
60.60 | |
Alpine skis — Binding mounting area — Requirements for test screws
95.99 | |
Alpine skis — Binding mounting area — Requirements for test screws
90.60 | |
Cross-country skis — Binding mounting area — Requirements for test screws
95.99 | |
Cross-country skis — Binding mounting area — Requirements for test screws
90.93 | |
Snowboards — Binding mounting area — Part 1: Requirements and test methods for snowboards without inserts
90.93 | |
Snowboards — Binding mounting area — Part 2: Requirements and test methods for snowboards with inserts
95.99 | |
Snowboards — Binding mounting area — Part 2: Requirements and test methods for snowboards with inserts
95.99 | |
Snowboards — Binding mounting area — Part 2: Requirements and test methods for snowboards with inserts
90.93 | |
Alpine ski-bindings — Retention devices — Safety requirements and test methods
95.99 | |
Alpine ski-bindings — Retention devices — Requirements and test methods
95.99 | |
Alpine ski-bindings — Retention devices — Requirements and test methods
90.93 | |
Assembly, adjustment and inspection of an alpine ski-binding-boot (S-B-B) system
95.99 | |
Assembly, adjustment and inspection of an alpine ski/binding/boot (S-B-B) system
95.99 | |
Assembly, adjustment and inspection of an alpine ski/binding/boot (S-B-B) system
95.99 | |
Assembly, adjustment and inspection of an alpine ski/binding/boot (S-B-B) system
95.99 | |
Assembly, adjustment and inspection of an alpine ski/binding/boot (S-B-B) system — Amendment 1
95.99 | |
Assembly, adjustment and inspection of an alpine ski/binding/boot (S-B-B) system
95.99 | |
Alpine ski/binding/boot (S-B-B) system — Assembly, adjustment and inspection
95.99 | |
Alpine ski/binding/boot (S-B-B) system — Assembly, adjustment and inspection
60.60 | |
Winter-sports equipment — Test devices for the setting of the functional unit ski/boot/binding — Requirements and tests
95.99 | |
Winter-sports equipment — Test devices for the setting of the functional unit ski/boot/binding — Requirements and tests
90.93 | |
Telemark skis and bindings — Binding mounting area — Requirements and test methods
90.93 | |
Snowboard-boots — Interface with snowboard bindings
90.93 | |
Snowboard-boots — Interface with snowboard bindings — Technical Corrigendum 1
60.60 | |
Alpine touring ski-bindings — Safety requirements and test methods
95.99 | |
Alpine touring ski-bindings — Safety requirements and test methods — Amendment 1
95.99 | |
Alpine touring ski-bindings — Requirements and test methods
95.99 | |
Alpine touring ski-bindings — Requirements and test methods
90.93 | |
Rental ski shop practice — Sampling and inspection of complete and incomplete alpine ski-binding-boot systems in rental applications
95.99 | |
Rental ski shop practice — Sampling and inspection of complete and incomplete alpine ski-binding-boot systems in rental applications
90.92 | |
Rental ski shop practice — Sampling and inspection of complete and incomplete alpine ski-binding-boot systems in rental applications
10.99 |
Winter-sports equipment — Marking of parts made of polymer materials
90.93 | |
Snowboard strap bindings for soft boots — Requirements and test methods
90.93 | |
Snowboard plate-bindings without a release mechanism — Safety requirements and test methods
95.99 | |
Snowboard plate-bindings — Requirements and test methods
90.93 | |
Snowboard plate-bindings — Requirements and test methods — Technical Corrigendum 1
60.60 | |
Snowboard step-in bindings — Requirements and test methods
90.93 | |
Telemark ski-boots for adults — Interface with Telemark ski-bindings — Requirements and test methods
90.93 | |
Alpine ski boots with improved walking soles — Interface with alpine ski-bindings – Requirements and test methods
95.99 | |
Alpine ski boots with improved walking soles — Interface with alpine ski-bindings — Requirements, test methods and marking
60.60 |
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