Reference number
ISO/IEC 19788-7:2019
International Standard
ISO/IEC 19788-7:2019
Information technology — Learning, education and training — Metadata for learning resources — Part 7: Bindings
Edition 1
ISO/IEC 19788-7:2019
No disponible en español
Publicado (Edición 1, 2019)
Esta publicación se revisó y confirmó por última vez en 2024. Por lo tanto, esta versión es la actual.

ISO/IEC 19788-7:2019

ISO/IEC 19788-7:2019
CHF 221
Convertir Franco suizo (CHF) a tu moneda


This document provides RDF mappings of the different MLR entities introduced in the MLR framework (ISO/IEC 19788‑1 and its amendment): data element specifications (DESs), resource classes (RCs), data elements (DEs), application profiles (APs), MLR records and data element group specifications (DEGSs).

This document associates HTTP IRIs (linguistically neutral and linguistic) to conceptual MLR entities denoted by MLR identifiers. This is needed for the management of MLR entities and their versions.

Moreover, this document provides excerpts of an OWL 2 DL ontology for the resource classes and data element specifications (properties) introduced in the ISO/IEC 19788 series.

Informaciones generales

  •  : Publicado
     : 2019-04
    : Norma Internacional confirmada [90.93]
  •  : 1
     : 113
  • ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 36
  • RSS actualizaciones

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