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Norma o proyecto bajo la responsabilidad directa de ISO/TC 59/SC 19 Secretaría | Etapa | ICS |
Joints in building — Fundamental principles for design
90.60 | |
Building construction — Modular coordination — Principles and rules
90.93 | |
Joints in building — General check-list of joint functions
90.60 | |
Building construction — Modular co-ordination — Stairs and stair openings — Co-ordinating dimensions
90.60 | |
Building construction — Modular coordination — Modular floor plane for vertical dimensions
90.60 | |
Performance standards in building — Presentation of performance levels of facades made of same-source components
90.93 | |
Joints in building — Principles for jointing of building components — Accommodation of dimensional deviations during construction
90.60 | |
Typical horizontal joints between an external wall of prefabricated ordinary concrete components and a concrete floor — Properties. characteristics and classification criteria
90.92 | |
Typical horizontal joints between an external wall of prefabricated ordinary concrete components and a concrete floor — Properties. characteristics and classification criteria
20.60 |
Typical vertical joints between two prefabricated ordinary concrete external wall components — Properties, characteristics and classification criteria
90.92 | |
Typical vertical joints between two prefabricated ordinary concrete external wall components — Properties, characteristics and classification criteria
20.60 |
Buildings and civil engineering works — Modular coordination — Module
90.60 | |
Prefabricated Building — Terminology and General principles
20.20 |
Prefabricated building — Modular building — part 1: concepts and general principles
20.00 |
Standard for Polyhedral Modular Box Building Design
20.00 |
Technical standard for kitchen and washroom in Polyhedral modular box building
10.99 |
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