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Norma o proyecto bajo la responsabilidad directa de ISO/TC 295 Secretaría | Etapa | ICS |
Audit data collection — Customs and indirect tax extension
60.60 | |
Audit data collection extension — Government regulated financial reports and payroll
60.60 | |
Exchange formats for the audit data collection standard: XML and JSON
60.60 | |
Audit data collection
90.20 | |
Semantic data model for audit data services
20.60 |
Technical specifications of exchange formats for the Customs and Indirect Tax Extension (DIS 5401) on Audit Data Collection Standard: XML and JSON
50.00 | |
Technical specifications of exchange formats for the Government Regulated Financial Reports and Payroll Extension (DIS 5405) on Audit Data Collection Standard: XML and JSON
50.00 |
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