
  • Secretaría: SCC
    Responsable de comité:
  • Presidente/a (hasta el final 2029):
    Dr François Coallier
  • Responsable de programa técnico de ISO [TPM]:
    Dr Anna Caterina Rossi
    Responsable de programa técnico de ISO [TPM]:
    Mr Pierre Sebellin
  • Fecha de creación: 2024


ISO/IEC JSYC BDC is being supported administratively by IEC. All information related to ISO/IEC JSYC BDC is available on the IEC web site Systems level standardization activities in the domain of bio-digital convergence for the IEC and ISO, including ISO/IEC JTC 1 and IEC/ISO JTC 3.

  1. Facilitate outreach and engagement for the work on bio-digital convergence with ISO, other SDOs, and industry consortia, in collaboration with relevant IEC and ISO entities and thus facilitate the advancement and coordination of bio-digital convergence standardization.
  2. Collection, evaluation, and classification of existing standards that are relevant in the field of BDC. Identification of gaps.
  3. Identify and assess potential forthcoming new bio-digital convergence topics and problematics that may become relevant to IEC and ISO activities and recommend to the IEC/SMB and the ISO/TMB an appropriate course of action to meet the needs of the global community.

Enlaces rápidos

Comités de enlace a IEC/ISO JSYC BDC

Los comités que aparecen a continuación pueden acceder a los documentos de IEC/ISO JSYC BDC:

Referencia Título ISO/IEC
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 43 Brain-computer interfaces ISO/IEC
ISO/TC 276 Biotechnology ISO

IEC/ISO JSYC BDC - Secretaría

SCC [Canada]

Standards Council of Canada
600-55 Metcalfe Street
Ottawa K1P 6L5 Ontario

Tel: +1 613 238 32 22
Fax: +1 613 569 78 08