Secretariat: SIS (Sweden)
Committee Manager: -
Chairperson (until end 2026):Dr Eva-Lotta Kurkinen
ISO Technical Programme Manager [TPM]:ISO Editorial Manager [EM]:
- Creation date: 1975
Standardization in the field of building and civil engineering works
- of thermal and hygrothermal performance of materials, products, components, elements and systems, including complete buildings, both new and existing, and their interaction with technical building systems;
- of thermal insulation materials, products and systems for building and industrial application, including insulation of installed equipment in buildings;
covering and including:
- test and calculation methods for heat and moisture transfer, temperature and moisture conditions;
- test and calculation methods for energy use in buildings, including the industrial built environment;
- test and calculation methods for heating and cooling loads in buildings;
- test and calculation methods for daylighting, ventilation and air infiltration;
- in-situ test methods for thermal, hygrothermal and energy performance of buildings and building components, input data for calculations, including climatic data;
- specifications for thermal insulation materials, products and systems with related test methods and conformity criteria;
- terminology; and
- general review and coordination of work on thermal and hygrothermal performance within ISO.
- building environment design (ISO/TC 205);
- methods of testing and rating the performance of building environmental equipment for application in the design of new buildings and retrofits (ISO/ TC 205); and
- design methods and criteria for daylighting, ventilation and air infiltration (ISO/TC 205)
Covering also:
Standardization of the holistic assessment of the energy performance of new and existing buildings as well as building retrofits, in close collaboration with ISO/TC 205 by means of the ISO/TC163/WG4 Joint working group TC 163 & TC 205 Energy performance using holistic approach, including:
- terms and definitions;
- system boundaries for buildings and technical systems;
- assessment of the overall energy performance of buildings, taking into account
- the energy performance of building elements;
- building related systems (heating, cooling, domestic hot water, ventilation, lighting, system controls, transport, and other energy related systems);
- indoor and outdoor conditions;
- local energy production (on site and at district level);
- (use of) energy sources (including renewable);
- building commissioning;
- assessment of overall energy efficiency; and
- means of expressing the energy performance and energy performance certification of buildings.
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* Information definite but meeting not yet formally convened
** Provisional
ISO/TC 163 - Secretariat